Understanding Your Learning Road Map

Upskill yourself and achieve your goals

Written by Dave Branscombe

Last published at: July 27th, 2024

Before we start, if you’re having trouble logging in then here’s a guide that will help: The Login page and help if you need it

When you first log in to the Upskill People learning platform with your username and password, you’ll see your learning roadmap – which is where you’ll find all the content that has been assigned to you. All you need to do is complete it and you’ll help meet your team’s completion targets.

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Your courses will be displayed as a list so sort by course type (think of this as groups of courses),which you can then click into and expand to find courses to complete. These expandable course types will make searching for courses and reviewing your progress feel clearer and more organized.

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Each course is associated with a specific icon, for visual learners this helps get you into a learning frame of mind.

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At the top of the page you’ll see what you should do next, this will be to finish off what you’ve already started or move on to the next course in your list. Simply click on Quick Start to begin a course …

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You can filter your options so that you can carry on learning quickly.

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Filters help you focus on:

  • Mandatory
  • Course Type
  • Online/Offline
  • Your Progress

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When you click on and expand any course, you’ll see your progress status, score, and pass mark. The filter options detailed above show whether the course is mandatory, online, or offline and which course type it’s been assigned to.

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To print your certificate for a completed course, just click Download Certificate and print from there.

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To make it easier to manage your certificates, it will be given a name that includes the course code and your username.

Your badges (on the right-hand side of your screen) show the badge name and a progress circle shows how much of the badge you’ve attained.

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Simply click a badge, to see the number of incomplete and complete modules and where you can continue your learning.

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If a course has multiple modules, pick the first one (at the top) and press Start now. When you complete the first module, you will be taken back to this list of modules to select the next one until they’re all completed.

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When your course launches, pick Start learning from the beginning; or, if you’ve visited the course before, you can pick up where you left off.

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Work through the course, carefully reading and watching what you need to, including any interaction instructions.

Once you reach the end of a course, you’ll usually find a quiz to complete and pass. Again, make sure you read the questions carefully because sometimes there’s more than one answer. Take your time and think carefully!

When you’ve finished, or need to take a break, log out from the learning platform using the Menu/Exit dropdown, then Exit, and finally confirm you want to exit.

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This exit process is really important, as it ensures that all your progress is recorded and saved. You don’t want to lose all your completed learning for that day because you exited the platform incorrectly! 

What happens if I can’t log in? This usually means you’re using an incorrect username or password or both. Contact your manager so they can check your user details using Learners … Overview

Why won’t my course launch? The unable to load content error message means that something isn’t quite right with the course. You need to contact the person who created it, usually someone on your L&D team.

For organisations that use multiple languages - the Upskill People learning platform allows people to navigate the platform in their chosen language whilst taking their courses in English.

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The good news is that you can simply pick a different language at any time using the language picker at the top of the screen.

Next up for you is Course status? What’s that?

You might also like to read Navigating an Upskill People course