Understanding learner import errors

Warnings and errors you need to know about

Written by Dave Branscombe

Last published at: July 27th, 2024

So, you know how to check your error log, but what do half these errors even mean? Well, we’ve put together a list of the critical errors, and the not so critical warnings that should help you figure it out!

Critical errors

These are errors which will usually stop a person from being imported onto the platform, which means they basically don’t exist until this is fixed!

No username given. Record processing aborted – no username will stop that person from being imported – no username, no import!

Org1Name not found. Record processing aborted – everyone on the platform needs to belong to an Org1 location, if not, it will stop that person from being imported. Use the Manage company structure application to create the location that this person will be put in (for reporting purposes), and re-import the file.

Org1Name not specified. Record processing aborted – similar to the above error, but you need to go and make sure that the person, or people, definitely belong to an Org1 location – no Org1 location, no import!

Non-critical errors

These errors aren’t exactly super urgent, but they can still cause some annoying issues.

Null FirstName processed – not the end of the world, it’s just nice to know who you are!

Default UserType value inserted – not an error as such, just a note to say that you haven’t told it what user type to use, so we’ve made an assumption. If it’s wrong, then you’ll need to go and Edit that person to fix it, which is a pain if you have to do it every day!

Invalid CompanyStartDate processed – this just means that we cannot process the date in the format that you’ve provided it in.

Invalid DOB processed – this just means that we cannot process the date in the format that you’ve provided it in.

Invalid LeavingDate processed – this just means that we cannot process the date in the format that you’ve provided it in. If we can’t process the leaving date, then we can’t set that person as inactive, and this could then affect your reporting completion stats. Better to get this fixed sooner rather than later!

New JobType created with default user profile – so you’ve given us a new job type that we’ve not seen before. That’s okay, we’ll just add it in, but you’ll need to use the Manage learner roles application to set the correct default user profile ready for next time.

No default UserType set. Record processing aborted - this means that you haven’t set a user type and the platform isn’t configured to make an assumption – let us know on the rare occasion that this happens, and we’ll set a default one for you.

Unable to match oldUserName or current username. Record processing aborted – so you’ve asked us to rename a person’s username, but we can’t find them in the system (perhaps you’ve already done it before and forgot!).

If you’ve been using our platform for a while, then you might also see some of these:

Default CountryCode processed

Default LanguageCode processed

Default password value inserted

Null CompanyStartDate processed

Null DOB processed

The EmploymentType was not specified. Default employmenttype 1 used

We’ve recently removed them as they don’t stop the learner data from importing, and there might be a lot for you to wade through to get to the important ones!

The next guide in this section is Transferring data from a temporary account to a permanent one

You might also find these guides useful:

Checking the learner import error logs

Managing your company structure

Importing learner details