So, you’ve brought across your learners from another source (which we call importing), and now you need to see if it’s worked… and we have a handy tool for that!
When learners are imported into the system, there’s something called an import file run. This is basically a way for the system to check that all is well with the imported learners. If anything in the import file run causes an issue, then the error log is updated.
To check for any errors, or they might just be a warning or a reminder, go to your dashboard and select Learners followed by Overview.
Then pick Errors & Warnings
When you open this application, the start and end dates will default to today’s date, and if a file was imported today, you’ll see the results straightaway.
Use the date pickers to pick a range of dates that you’d like to see the logs for:
Once you’ve picked your date range and pressed Submit, you’ll see all the import files that have been processed between those dates. If there are a lot, then you can adjust how many you can see on a single page, and you can use the Next button to see more pages as required:
Use the View button to see the details of what was logged for each import.
You will see all the errors and warnings that were logged during that import:
You’ll see the date stamp of when it was logged, what the error was, the line number of the import csv file and the username of the person affected (there may even be multiple errors per person).
Errors are now highlighted in red, so you see quickly if there’s anything that you need to immediately review:
If an error has caused a record to abort, then you need to fix it ASAP:
In this example case, it’s a missing location, so add the new location:
… and then select Reimport:
Then check your error logs again, here you can see that it has been reimported with no errors:
The next guide in this section is Understanding learner import errors
You might also find these useful to help you get up to speed with how the various applications all work together: