Managing leaving and excluded learners

Long-term sick or Maternity leave? No problem!

Written by Dave Branscombe

Last published at: July 27th, 2024

When someone leaves the business, they need to be set as inactive with a leaving date. This will prevent them from logging in and also, you won’t want ex-learners to skew your reporting data. When they’ve been set as inactive, they won’t show up on reports, but their training records are retained, just in case. You never know when you might need to know what learning they completed!

From your dashboard menu, select Learners then Overview as shown:

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Search for the leaver’s username, first name or surname, and simply click on the Edit button:

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This reveals the Learner Details Editor. Here the account can be deactivated along with the leaving date:

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A screenshot of a computer

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If you’re not setting people as leavers and you simply want to exclude someone from reporting because they are on maternity leave, then take the same approach only this time use the Report Exclude icon.

The next suggested guide is Managing leaving and excluded temporary learners