Managing new learners
Before you can add new learners, you need to understand a bit about how your company structure and course profiles are set up (so you know what courses to allocate to whom and where in the company they will be reported against). This should be set up by the platform administrator, if not you can’t add your new learners. You might find these guides u...
Managing learner passwords
This tool is used to reset passwords for your learners, plus other password-related functions. It’s only available if you’re responsible for managing a team (managers, supervisors, team leaders). From your dashboard, select Learners followed by Overview. Use the Search box to find the learner’s name, then select the More button. The window will open...
Managing leaving and excluded learners
When someone leaves the business, they need to be set as inactive with a leaving date. This will prevent them from logging in and also, you won’t want ex-learners to skew your reporting data. When they’ve been set as inactive, they won’t show up on reports, but their training records are retained, just in case. You never know when you might need to ...
Setting someone as inactive
If you want to set a user as inactive, a quick way to do this is: From your dashboard select Learners followed by Overview: Search for the user in question and select the More icon. This will reveal a drop-down menu which includes Make User Inactive. At the next screen, enter a Leaving Date (even if they are not leaving, and you just want to tempora...
Overview of reporting tools
Reporting forms a huge part of many of our jobs, but what tools are available to you when it comes to reporting on your learners? Here’s an overview of the Reporting menu: The main purpose of the Reporting dashboard is to show you your overall completion rate and enable you, as a manager, to do something about it. You will be given access to see pa...
Viewing individual learner performance
This tool allows you to look at the learning results of individual learners – the time they’ve spent learning, when they last visited a specific course, and details about any expired learning. It’s a useful tool if you, for example, want to find out which learners haven’t completed a specific course, so that you can potentially remind them! From you...
Viewing your teams’ performance
This tool gives you an overview of your team in a table-like format. It lists each learner and gives you an easy view of the courses that each of them currently has assigned. It shows you for each learner which courses have been completed, which have been partially completed, and which haven’t been started yet. You can even export the data for the c...
Understanding Analyse overall performance
This tool allows you to look at the completion statistics of all your learners and fine-tune through the use of reporting filters. You can do things such as view the time they have spent learning, the average quiz attempts on a course, and download detailed exports of your data. This information could prove very useful for reports to a Board or high...
Creating a simple compliance report
Sometimes, you just need to email out an Excel report that shows specific reporting data for your business. The reporting tools on the platform can already do a lot of the data gathering and presenting for you, but we understand that people want Excel reports too! And exporting data is something you can absolutely do on this platform. From the Repor...
Getting the most from post-course surveys
It’s always a good idea to include a course survey after learners complete a course, so you can get their feedback on the structure and content, and most importantly, how the learning is going! Post-course surveys are such an important tool, but often don’t always get utilised to their full potential. There is a wealth of data and information that y...