Managing learner passwords

Lest we forget

Written by Dave Branscombe

Last published at: July 27th, 2024

This tool is used to reset passwords for your learners, plus other password-related functions. It’s only available if you’re responsible for managing a team (managers, supervisors, team leaders).

From your dashboard, select Learners followed by Overview.

A screenshot of a computer

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Use the Search box to find the learner’s name, then select the More button. The window will open to reveal Reset Password as shown below:

A screenshot of a computer

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These are your options:

Save Email

For adding or updating the learner's email address. You must have a valid and unique email address for each learner to add it successfully.

Send Password Reset

This will send the learner a password reset email, which allows them to reset their password from their account. Note: Due to security reasons, this link will only be valid for one hour. This function requires the learner to have an email set on the system.

Reset to Platform Default Password

This will reset the password for the learner to the platform default changeme and automatically apply Change Password on Next Login.

You’re probably wondering what the difference is between the function Send Password Reset and Reset to Platform Default Password - don’t they do the same thing? Even though the result, resetting a password, is the same - the functions are slightly different.

Send Password Reset is for when a learner has an email already on the system, and a manager can just trigger a reset email to their email address. However, Reset to Platform Default Password is there for situations such as when a learner may not have an email address, or they’ve used a personal email address and a reset email can’t be sent for security reasons.

So, a manager can instead reset a learner’s password to the default, which then simply requires the learner to log in with this default password. Using this function will also prompt both you, as the manager, and the learner to set an email address on the system.

Change Password on Next Login

After the learner has logged in with their latest password, they will then be required to change their password to a new one.

A suggested follow-on guide is Managing leaving/excluded learners