Managing job types

Understanding the jobs that people do so you can give them the best content and help them shine!

Written by Dave Branscombe

Last published at: July 27th, 2024

We’ve made assigning your courses simple and quick to do by assigning a learning profile to a particular job type.

Let’s say you run a bar and you employ a bartender. You don’t want to be spending so much time and effort both figuring out the relevant courses for them, and then manually assigning each of the courses to them. You would lose hours! Instead, you can simply assign them the learner role of bartender, which will have all the courses they need already loaded up for them. Saving you from repeating the same task endlessly!

So, how do you create one of these job types? Simply start from your dashboard and select Organisation followed by Manage Organisation as shown below:

A screenshot of a computer

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Pick Manage Organisation to see this window as shown. Select Job Types.

A screenshot of a computer

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Here you will find all the job types that you’ve already created and can edit and delete them where necessary. But since we’re just getting started, let’s look at how to Add a Job Type.

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A jobtype is just a description of the role a person or group of people do, like the bartender in our example. We begin by picking a job code you could identify at a glance, this could just be the initials of the role or an abbreviation. Then, we put in a brief description of the job, and this can just be the title of the role. You can have the same job descriptions for multiple job types, but it can make searching for them a little confusing, so it's best to make them unique. 

After that, assign a learning profile and a dashboard for the job type. You’re probably wondering what the difference is between a dashboard and a job type, and that would be a very good question! A dashboard is a list of tools that help you in your role; a job type describes the job that you do so that you can be trained appropriately with the right content.

As you can see in this screenshot below, the user type selected is colleague, but you can also have categories such as admin or manager.

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Once you’ve filled out all the sections, you can select Submit to save your selection, and that’s it! But what if you had lots of people to update this job type for? You don’t want to go through each person to update with some new information, it would take you all day! 

Well, that’s what the Update all and Submit button will do! It’ll update and save the job type, whilst also updating your changes for all the people with this job type.

More good news is that editing an existing individual learner uses the same approach, so once you learn how to create one, you also know how to edit one. We’ve thought of everything here! 

And there you have it! With your company structure and job types set up, you’ll have everything you need to get started on the Upskill People Learning Platform.

The next recommended guide Assigning courses everything you need to know

You might also find these useful to help you get up to speed with how the various applications all work together:

Importing learner details

Checking the learner import error logs

Grouping courses into learning profiles

Creating a flexible profile

Managing new learners

Managing your company structure