Managing your learner badges

Motivating your learners with badges!

Written by Dave Branscombe

Last published at: July 27th, 2024

When learners complete courses (or even key modules within a course), they can earn badges.

Why should I use learner badges, we hear you ask? Well, it’s all about motivating people to learn. We don’t want to turn learning into too much of a game, but to give people the motivation to continue and complete their learning. In the end, everyone wants to get to the next level!

Having the learning presented to people in the form of a badge will also serve as a reminder to either start or carry on with their learning; and allow then to focus better on their current learning goal. For example, in the screenshot below, we can see that this learner is very close to completing their ‘Wellbeing Wizard’ badge. So, when they check their learning roadmap, they can see quite clearly where they’re up to with their learning. And perhaps even be more likely to complete their wellbeing courses!

You can also include offline learning, if that’s virtual or face-to-face sessions, in the makeup of these badges. The benefit of this is that you’ll be able to see all the learning in one central place, instead of scattered across platforms, and it will make reporting on your learners a lot easier too. We really have thought of everything!

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You can clearly see how much of a course needs to be completed as shown by the fraction. Select a badge to have a closer look:

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Here’s what data we store about badges and people…

  • What modules are included for each badge.
  • How many module points are required to contribute to a badge so we can tell you how far you are with your achievement.
  • The date and time that each module was completed and how many points were earned towards each badge

This means that we can design reports for you that enable you to make decisions on how to use your badges to motivate your teams, and we can automate these reports straight into your inbox! (or whomever you need to act on this data.)

Here’s how you set up a badge for your courses…

From your dashboard select Courses followed by badges:

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This will reveal a Badge List where you can edit/assign courses:

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At the bottom of this list is the option to Create New Badge. A badge comprises the following elements:

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  • Badge Name – what do you want it to be called on the learning roadmap?
  • Badge Description – what’s this badge for? You can’t see this text anywhere yet; it’ll be used in reporting at a later date.
  • Badge Threshold – how many points do I need to award this badge? We’ll go into this properly later in the guide!
  • Nearing Completion Trigger – how many points do I need to trigger the ‘Only X points needed’ message?
  • Badge Active – you can switch your badge on or off as required.
  • Completed Badge Icon – what learners will see on their roadmap when they’ve got their badge. Feel free to upload your own or pick one from the library.
  • Incompleted Badge Icon - what learners will see on their roadmap until they get their badge!

Now that the badge is created, the final step is to award points to modules, and you do this by picking assign courses:

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Here you’ll see all the courses (and the modules within them) on your learning platform, so don’t be put off if this is a long list! The goal is to drag the sliders for each relevant module to assign points to your badge:

For example, if you’re assigning modules to a management badge, you would probably want to go through your management focused courses, and their modules, and assign them points for this badge.

As you’re going through and assigning points, you’ll see a running total at the top of the page, which will show you how many points have been selected for your badge, versus how many are needed (i.e. the Badge Threshold that you set when you created the badge).

Here you can see that you’ve assigned more points than are actually needed:

… so, you can either move some of the sliders back down to zero, or go back and edit your badge to increase the Badge Threshold!

If the list of courses is just too long (and daunting!), then you can refine your list of courses by filtering on what type of course it is:

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… and you can also use the search bar to narrow down your list of courses even more:

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The points are stored away in real time so there’s no Save button, simply hit the Back button to exit:

So, now that you know what the parts do, you’re ready to go and pick Create New Badge!

The next suggested guide is Location attributes and why you need them