Refreshing courses and make your team do them again

The complete guide to protecting your business by having well-trained people

Written by Dave Branscombe

Last published at: July 27th, 2024

As a manager, you might find that you need just one or two of your team to repeat a course in order to be compliant and prove due diligence. And there’s a really easy tool that you can use to do just this – Refresh Courses.

One example might be if they have failed a test purchase, a pretty serious offence. This wouldn’t fall under the category of ‘make everyone do the alcohol courses again’; instead, you would just pick the relevant course for the specific individual and make them do that course again.

Go to Learners … Overview:

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Imagine that you are Amy’s manager and you’re going to refresh a course for Amy.

Start by searching for Amy, and then pick Refresh Courses from the More option:

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You’ll see a summary of Amy’s details (so you can be sure that you’ve got the right person!) and you can now select which course(s) you want to refresh. If there are lots of courses, then you can quickly search for the ones you want:

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Simply tick one or more courses that you’d like the selected person to do again, and then Select.

Don’t worry, you’ve got one final chance to change your mind! If you’re happy to proceed, then go ahead and press Refresh:

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You’ll see a confirmation when it’s done:

So, you now understand how to refresh one person at a time for a course - what about refreshing everyone for a course in one go?

We call it a “sheep dip” and here’s how you do it…

Let’s say we want everyone to redo the Safety, Health & Wellbeing (Complete) course.

Go to Courses … Overview:

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Search for and select the course that you want to refresh:

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You’ll see a summary of the course - this is just to make sure you’ve picked the right one, as a refresh cannot be undone!

It’ll also tell you how many people will be refreshed:

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The completed on or before date is your buffer, so if you find yourself saying something like “I want to refresh everyone for a course but not if they’ve completed it within the past two months” then pick your ‘completed on or before date’ as two months ago and not today’s date!

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So, all you’ll need to do on the day of the refresh is pick the required ‘on or before date’ and then press Refresh:

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Another really useful filter is the ability to restrict who gets refreshed by using your company structure.

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Example: “I want to refresh everyone who completed their course before 06/11/2021 and who works in a location that is part of RAD Stores South”:

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You can hide the company structure if you don’t need to see it open anymore and then you can Select All:

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And you’ve still got one more chance to refine your selection. If you then think “but not Elena and Richard”, just de-select them:

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When you’re absolutely sure, and remember there’s no option to “undo” a refresh, press Refresh:

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But what if you need to refresh more than one person with more than one course? I am very glad you asked!

Pick the Upload CSV option:

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Note the instructions carefully:

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If you know what the ‘course codes’ are (this is what the instruction means when it says ‘AICCCourseID’) then you can happily start populating your spreadsheet.

If not, then read the next bit…

One way to get the right course codes is to download a full report, of all your courses, from Reporting… Reporting Tools menu:

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Using Overall Performance:

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… download the Unfiltered data (with dates) report:

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If you filter on Username to get the list of people you want to refresh:

… you can then scroll to the right, and read off the list of course codes like this:


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To create an ‘import csv file’ you just need a spreadsheet with 2 columns, one with the usernames and the other with the course codes (where 123456 is his username):


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Save your spreadsheet as a csv file:

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Now you’re ready to import your file, so go back to your Refresh courses page, and pick Upload CSV:

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Pick Choose file:

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… go and get it from where you saved it:

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… and Upload it:

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If you ever need to see a record of what you’ve individually refreshed, then pick View upload log:Graphical user interface, text, application, chat or text message

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.. where you’ll see a record of everything you've refreshed using the upload method.

The next guide to read about refreshing content is Automating course refreshes

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