We’ve shown you how to group courses together so that they can be assigned to lots of people in one go in this guide: Grouping courses into learning profiles.
But what if you have one or two people that just don’t fit any particular mould? It’s a rare occurrence, but a real challenge when it does! Before we go into how to create a flexible profile, it’s worth mentioning that there are other features on the platform that you can use to make sure that all learners have the exact courses they need.
And these are your location and personal attributes. These are essentially descriptions that you can add to tell the system more information about a particular learner or location. For example, a location attribute could be alcohol course for one specific store that sells alcohol, whereas the other stores may not. The stores that don’t sell alcohol don’t really need to be completing this course, so you can add a location attribute to the store that does sell alcohol, and only that store will be assigned the alcohol-specific course.
However, there will be rare occasions when a flexible profile might be useful, so let’s get back to them.
Your first step is to select Courses from your dashboard followed by Assign Courses
This will reveal the Group courses into learning profiles application. Select Assign Flexible Profiles.
Search for the learner by name or set Filters as necessary. Then select View.
Assign your courses and Save.
You will then be informed of a successful update.
Then select Learners from your dashboard followed by Overview
Search for the same learner by name and select Edit
Select Learner Details Editor:
Scroll down to find the Flexible Profile option.
Simply select Flexible Profile and then select Submit to save changes:
You’ll see a successful editing message to let you know that it worked
If you see this message at the top of the screen:
… then you must go back and finish assigning courses to this learner to complete the task.
The next suggested guide is Why your changes to a learner’s details aren’t saving
You might also find these useful to help you get up to speed with how the various applications all work together:
Checking the learner import error logs