Building a reveal page in ECB

Uncover new skills and learn as you go

Written by Dave Branscombe

Last published at: July 27th, 2024

Reveal pages are pages where not all the sections are visible all at once but are revealed gradually. They’re a really good tool for breaking up related information – much better than having lots of separate text pages. And always remember the rules for writing course content – keep it brief, easy to read (plain English), and easy to understand.

To start building your reveal page, select the blue pen icon next to it.

Enter a Page Title (in the course this appears at the very top of the screen after the item name) and an Introduction Heading (which appears above the main introductory text above the reveal sections). This will usually introduce the topic and sections and instruct the learner to choose them. You can add an audio file here too.

You can add as many sections as you want, using Add Section. Then each section will need a heading, an image or video (or neither), and some section text. You can link to documents, like in a text page, and format your text as required.

Section Icon - for a reveal page to work, you need to upload a section icon for each section – this is a small image (120x120) which can be a smaller version or a crop of the bigger image within the section, or something different, totally up to you! It makes the page look graphically interesting to have each section with a different icon, or different colour versions of the same image perhaps. Upload from your computer or go the Asset Manager to find it.

Asset type – once you set this to be image, your image needs to be 480x480 pixels (it will be automatically resized to this anyway, but you’ll need to check how it looks). It can be uploaded from your computer or directly from the Asset Manager, if it’s already in there (by selecting it and Update). Assets can be static jpg/png/gif images or mp4 videos (uploaded via Vimeo). Remember to choose the image type from the dropdown, and if using a video to enter the Vimeo reference.

Remember - when you’ve completed your reveal page, select Save at the bottom of the screen.

The next guide in this section is Building a video page in ECB

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